Checkout API Ideas

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PO Field missing in MX6

We utilized the PO field for important information internal to our organization.  We need this field back, and need to be able to export the information along with the other invoice information

  • Guest
  • Jan 30 2017
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    April 19, 2017 17:08

    Allie, any update on making the PO field exportable?


    Thank you!

  • Guest commented
    February 14, 2017 16:08

    Any update on making the PO field exportable?


  • Guest commented
    February 01, 2017 16:41

    We are currently using Invoices.  The problem isn't that the PO field is not available, but when we export, the field doesn't export, and we need to have that field as an exportable field.

  • Allie Klarman commented
    February 01, 2017 16:36

    Thank you for your feedback! We do have the PO field available but in order to better assist with answering this, can you tell me if you are using Quick Pay or Invoices?