Checkout API Ideas

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Batch Reports

Currently, I am clicking on each batch ID# to get the detail so I can identify the transactions that are included in each of my deposits.  I am manually writing down the CRedit Cards and amounts and dates to determine the batch.  Can you PLEASE create a report I can print to give me each batch by date and it's detail?  It would be very much helpful!!!!

  • Guest
  • Mar 21 2019
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    June 01, 2023 13:50

    Yes! BATCH reports need to include the detail of what is included in the deposit. We should not have to click on the batch number to see/download that detail batch by batch. A BATCH SUMMARY report is what's offered now. Create another report called BATCH DETAIL that shows the daily batch amount (transferred to bank) and the specific transactions/sales/refunds that are included in that batch. This should not be a two-step process.


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  • Guest commented
    October 16, 2021 06:48

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  • Guest commented
    September 27, 2021 10:27

    The customer has to go in themselves and file the report. I believe it's more of a misunderstanding on their part. I just hope it's not reducing my batches and/or quality. Seems that ever since I received the notification both have went down for me.

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  • Guest commented
    February 10, 2020 22:57

    Batch Reports are a good idea. My last card company had this and it helped a lot.

  • Guest commented
    July 15, 2019 01:43

    Our accountant wants us to break everything out between payment type for each transaction we do that is in a batch.  We are a non-profit and take donations and have raffles, so we need to know what was each of those, and how each was paid.