Checkout API Ideas

Your vote matters! Tell us what you think will make the Checkout API even better! 

Add ability for Text to Pay

This would be helpful especially in the non-profits where they are trying to encourage donations.  The ability to have mxmerchant accept payments from a cell phone - such as text a ten digit number that corresponds with the merchant 5555550551 with an amount in the text field  10 to donate $10.  Vanco has a product offering Give+Text.  First time donors have to enter their card info into a screen similar to MXMerchant Mobile, Once donated, can donate again without entering card info and could make it a recurring charge.

  • Guest
  • Feb 4 2019
  • Won't Do
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    September 01, 2022 09:34

    It whould be nice if user able to add some custom text (ie: legal text) above the pay button in the drop in component. A solution could be to add an optional prop to the drop in configuration that would accept text or a node.