Checkout API Ideas

Your vote matters! Tell us what you think will make the Checkout API even better! 

Add a line item description to invoices, orders, recurring contracts, recurring templates, and display on the modern receipt

In MX4 there were 3 separate fields ITEM, DESCRIPTION, PRICE but now in the migration, the Description is lost and does not print.  This proposes a big problem to companies that rely on this program to ship products.  Item numbers don't mean anything to the customer so the description is what they look at. 

  • Allie Klarman
  • Jul 20 2017
  • Shipped
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    July 08, 2024 10:17 bildet das Erkennen und Verstehen der Wünsche und Bedürfnisse unserer Kunden die Grundlage unseres Handelns in allen Geschäftsbereichen. Ob im Supermarkt, beim Discounter, im Baumarkt, im Reisebüro, stationär oder digital, oder beim Einkauf unterwegs – wir sorgen für ein nahtloses Erlebnis.

  • Guest commented
    August 05, 2017 11:47

    Yes! I have the same issue.  I utilized the description on every invoice/order.  When I asked about it, I was told to use the Memo Box - but the Memo Box doesn't recognize new lines and all of my descriptions end up all bunched together and hard to read; the customer has no idea which description goes with which item/product.   Please bring back the description line! 

  • +1