Checkout API Ideas

Your vote matters! Tell us what you think will make the Checkout API even better! 

Link 2 Pay receipts are sending payment as Card Present Style (with signature line)

Link 2 Pay receipts are sending payment as Card Present, but the transaction should be Card Not Present without a signature line.  I think this might have been part of Alli's enhancements on the cardholder name on the receipt, but on a card not present receipt we should be submitting the name and not the signature line as if it were card present.   

  • Guest
  • Mar 20 2017
  • Already exists
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    May 23, 2019 17:33

    Please remove the Customer Signature line from the Link 2 Pay and Quick Pay receipts. These receipts are emailed to the client, and we will never be asking the client to sign this and mail it back to us. At this point we are not using your service because we do not want to confuse the client. This simple change will allow us to move forward. Ideally a simplified version of the Modern Receipt would be sent to the client when we process payment via Link 2 Pay and Quick Pay. 

  • Guest commented
    March 01, 2019 13:16

    It makes the transaction look like it is incomplete for a card not present transaction when the signature line is on the receipt.