At penny auctions anything can become a lot, even real estate, however rare. This very bidding model was largely applied in the USA of 1920s-1930s, during the foreclosure of farms sparked by the Great Depression. At a penny action homes bid with a petty step of increase so that a bank could get a refund, while the property itself could later be returned to the owner.
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nice post. Thanks you
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What an excellent post, so I want to say thank you to you because of a wide range of valuable information.
At penny auctions anything can become a lot, even real estate, however rare. This very bidding model was largely applied in the USA of 1920s-1930s, during the foreclosure of farms sparked by the Great Depression. At a penny action homes bid with a petty step of increase so that a bank could get a refund, while the property itself could later be returned to the owner.